Fox Hunt of 22 November 2003 by Peter Rock KJ4ND

Although I did not find the fox, I got very close . Brian did find the fox, so if he wants to write something, more power to him.
       The weather was nice and warm as the fox hunt started , and Jim  N4ICU announced that the fox was on the air at
10AM . I was already at the old Walmart area , and I could not initially hear him on my mobile radio . I was waiting for the others to arrive , and Brian KG4DIO  said that he could hear it about 120 degrees from his home is Keavy . I got out my small 2 meter beam and just barely got a reading almost due South. RodneyKG4LKY  and Jessica, KG4KBW stated they were on their way .
       Stan KD4ERF, arrived , and we waited for everyone to show up .
When everyone was there , we took off,, most of us along 25 South, and some on I75 South. The signal gradually got louder, and was quite a bit stronger near RT. 25 and 25W . I searched a while there, and went all over Corbin . I did eventually go up a hill and got a reading to the SE , and toward Woodbine, and several (Steve KG4LLB and  Christie KG4PIJ )  were already there . We all ended up in the Woodbine area which is about 20 road miles from
London We searched up and down all those little roads . There were reflections all over . I did get a reading across a field were there were 2 radio towers (I found out later WCTT) , and eventually found a road that went back there . I went about 1 mile down that road twice , but as I went around the curve, the signal dropped, and I turned back .
       Brian did eventually find the fox.  It turns out that he was at Leland's house KE4FGL  . It was less than 0.5 mile further along that road that I had gone down twice.
       Because it was so much later this fox hunt we did not get together for lunch .
       The fox was wiley this time .
       And congratulations to Brian for finding him.
       73's Peter KJ4ND